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Linetronic Technologies

Laboratory and Process Analyzers

Corrosion: Corrosion of Cast AluminumCopper / Silver Corrosion • Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability • Metals Corrosion of Engine Coolants

Manual and Semi-automatic Analysers Oxidation Corrosion

Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability Bath

CE marked
ASTM D4636 - ASTM D6594

Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability of Hydraulic Oils, Aircraft Turbine Engine Lubricants and Other Highly Refined Oils.
This test method is used to test hydraulic oils, aircraft turbine engine lubricants, and other highly refined oils to determine their resistance to oxidation and corrosion degradation and their tendency to corrode various metals. Petroleum and synthetic fluids may be evaluated using moist or dry air with or without metal test specimens.

Evaluation of Corrosiveness of Diesel Engine Oil at 135°C
This test method covers testing diesel engine lubricants to determine their tendency to corrode various metals, specifically alloys of lead and copper commonly used in cam followers and bearings.

COS-199000/M - Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability Bath

Corrosiveness and oxidation stability bath, manual instrument composed by:

Power supply
Spare Parts

Linetronic Technologies SA
Via Onorio Longhi 2 • 6864 Arzo • Mendrisio • Switzerland
tel. +41 91 630 07 03 • fax +41 91 630 07 19

ASTM International Member